Page 499 - Xara Web Designer Premium
P. 499

Customizing Web Designer Premium               499

              *As of writing the Apple Safari and Chrome browsers when used on mobile devices such
              as phones and tablets still round font sizes to the nearest whole pixel size.

              Document type
              This determines the type of document, as indicated by the icon in the document’s tab.

              •  Print – Used for documents that are intended for print work. This type is not normally
                used in Web Designer Premium, but other products in the Designer product range
                work with print documents.
              •  Website – Use this type of document for creating websites and web graphics. This is
                the most common document type Web Designer Premium is used with.
              •  Photo – If you open a JPEG photo in Web Designer Premium, the document type is
                Photo. Such a document doesn’t have a defined page area for example. See the
                Photo Handling (on page 352) chapter for details.
              •  Animation – Used for animation documents. See the Animations (on page 459)
                chapter for details.
              •  Presentation (Web) – These are specialized website documents that make a
                presentation. See the Web Presentations (on page 425) chapter for more information.

              Normally you don’t need to change the document type as the type is established when
              you first create it (for example using a template from the Designs Gallery, or choosing a
              blank document from the FILE->NEW MENU). But it’s sometimes useful to convert between
              print, website and presentation documents if the purpose for which your document was
              created changes. You can’t convert to or from Photo or Animation documents.

              Angle constraint
              This applies when rotating or moving an object with "Ctrl" pressed.

              You can either select from the menu or type in a value in degrees.

              Nudge size
              This applies when moving objects using the arrow keys on the keyboard.

              This text box defines how far the object moves for each key press. If the document uses
              scaled units (for example, 1inch to 1mile), this text box shows the distance in the scaled

              When nudging, "Ctrl" and "Shift" increase the nudge distance by five and ten times,
              Duplication distance

              "EDIT" > "DUPLICATE" (Ctrl + D) creates a duplicate which is offset from the original object.
              These text boxes set the offset distance.

              Positive values create the duplicate above or to the right of the original object.
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