Page 520 - Xara Web Designer Premium
P. 520

520      Menus and Keyboard Shortcuts

                Opens the WEB PROPERTIES dialog, which allows web features such as links, pop-up
                layers, anchors, etc. to be added to your web page document. You can also control how
                images are exported for the web page and set various other web properties using this
                dialog. See Getting Started (on page 18) for details.

                Website Variants
                •  SHARE WITH ALL VARIANTS: Allows the selected object to be shared with all variants, if
                  the object is not available to be shared then there is an option to create a non-shared
                  copy of the object in the other variants.
                •  DELETE FROM ALL VARIANTS: Deletes the selected object from all variants.
                •  STOP SHARING WITH VARIANTS: Stops the selected object being shared with all variants.
                •  COPY PAGE TO ALL VARIANTS: Copies a selected page to all variants.
                •  WEBSITE VARIANTS: Opens the Website Variants (on page 326) dialog.
                Web Animation
                Opens the WEB ANIMATION (on page 454) dialog.

                Web Sticky/Stretchy
                Opens the Web Sticky/Stretchy options dialog.

                Web Export Options
                Opens the Web Export Options dialog

                Optimize Photo
                Or right click and choose OPTIMIZE PHOTO.

                Optimize bitmap resolution for use in Xara Web Designer Premium designs. See Photo
                Optimization (on page 377) for details.

                Optimize all Images

                Optimizes all photos and bitmaps in the design. See Photo Optimization (on page 377).

                This menu is only available in animation documents and offers three choices:

                •  ANIMATION PROPERTIES: With this dialog box you can change the options for the
                  animation and for each frame.
                •  PREVIEW ALL FRAMES: Use this to preview all the frames of your animation.
                •  PREVIEW GIF ANIMATION IN BROWSER: This item creates an animated GIF file from the
                  frames in your document and opens it in your web browser so you can see what it
                  looks like. There is a button on the animation bar for quick access to this operation.
                Check spelling as you type

                This option activates the SPELL CHECKER (on page 224) in the TEXT TOOL.
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