Page 99 - Dante Controller User Guide
P. 99

Dante Controller User Guide


               Dante Controller supports the saving and loading of Dante network routing and device configurations,
               known as 'presets'. A preset file contains configuration and routing parameters for some or all of the
               devices in the network.
               Preset files are saved as xml, and can be edited offline. They are also 'device-agnostic' - they can be
               shared between networks with different physical devices.
               You can use presets to:
                  n Backup and restore network configurations
                  n Quickly switch between saved network configurations
                  n Copy a Dante network configuration from a 'lab' or test network to a live or production network
                  n Create network configurations for special, or periodic events, and then switch back to the standard
                    configuration when desired
                  n Quickly apply one or more configuration settings to a number of devices simultaneously - for
                    example, setting all devices on your network to the same sample rate (global configuration)
                  n Use Dante Controller as an off-line editing tool – off-line edit the saved preset configuration for reuse
                    in new network configuration deployments

                    Note: The presets feature is not currently supported in DDM networks.

               About Device Roles

               Presets introduce the concept of 'device roles'. When a preset is saved, the configuration and routing for
               each selected device is saved into the preset as a device role, with the same name as the device from
               which it was created.

               The role is not 'tied' to its originating device. When a preset is loaded into Dante Controller, each role can
               be applied to its originating device, or to another device (even if it does not support exactly the same
               functionality). It is a transferable set of device configuration and routing parameters.
               For example:

                     Dave the sound engineer has gigs on Friday and Saturday night at a local venue. On Friday
                     evening before the gig, he sets up his Dante network at the venue, and when he's happy with it, he
                     saves the preset.

                     After the gig, Dave's annoying boss turns up and steals the mixing console for another job. Dave,
                     however, has a friend with a similar console (conveniently from the same manufacturer, and with a
                     higher channel count) which he can borrow for Saturday's gig.

                     The next night, Dave simply connects the new mixing console to the network, in place of the old
                     one, and reloads his preset. The new console is now configured exactly like the old one - including
                     all of the relevant channel labels, and audio subscriptions - and the network functions exactly as
                     before, without any need for further configuration. The gig goes really well, and the band takes
                     Dave out for dinner.

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