Page 3 - North Las Vegas SCCA
P. 3

■ The Ideal Candidate
The City of of North Las Vegas is is seeking an an an experienced human resources professional to fill their Senior Compensation and and Classification Analyst position position This newly allocated position position will will play a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a critical role in in in the the Human Resources Department The ideal candidate will will have extensive knowledge and and and and demonstrated subject matter expertise in in in in in classification and and and and compensation in in in in in the the the public sector Successful candidates will will be self-starters with the the ability to to take initiative under minimal direction and and will also possess:
» The ability to be resourceful and and and and creative in in in analyzing and and and and solving complex classification and and and and compensation matters
» » The ability to make recommendations based on on on sound judgement and analysis
» » » Exceptional interpersonal and collaboration skills
» » Excellent written and and oral communication skills
■ Education and Experience
An equivalent combination of related training and experience may be considered Education:
Bachelor’s degree from an an accredited college or or or university in in in in Business Administration Administration Public
Administration Human Resources or or or a a a a a a a closely related field Experience:
» Two (2) years of of experience performing administrative and and analytical duties for for an an an an an an organization in in in the areas of of Human Resources compensation and/or classification » Strong public sector experience in in in in in multiple human resources’ disciplines i i fi i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i fi i i e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e compensation compensation administration talent acquisition benefits training and and and development and/or labor and and and employee relations is is preferred Licenses/Certifications:
» Must possess a a a a a a a a a a a a valid state Driver’s Driver’s License License License with with the ability to obtain appropriate Nevada State Driver’s Driver’s License License within required time frame » Professional certification by Society of of of Human Resources Management Management (SHRM) or or the International Management Management Association-HR (IPMA-HR) or or or or as a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a compensation professional by by World at at Work is preferred ■ The Department The City’s Human Resources Department Department with a a a a a a a a a total of of 21 allocated positions is responsible for providing professional human resources services to to the following 13 unique Departments: City City Clerk Community Development & Compliance Finance Fire Government Affairs Human Resources Neighborhood and and and and Leisure Services Police Public
Works Utilities Communications and and and and Marketing Economic and and and Business Development and and and the North Las Vegas Library District 

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