Page 5 - Rialto Project Manager
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■ The Government
The City of Rialto a a a a general law city operates a a a a council-manager form of of government consisting of of four councilmembers and a a a a mayor elected at large to four-year staggered terms Under the visionary and distinctive leadership style of the Mayor and City Council Rialto has been thrust into the national spotlight as as a a a a a recognized leader in the areas of public-private partnerships business development and job creation Public safety infrastructure enhancements and a a a sustainable community top the City’s priority list The City City Manager and City City Attorney are appointed by the Mayor and Council while the City Clerk and Treasurer are elected City of Rialto is a a a full-service city with a a workforce of 417 full-time and additional part-time employees who provide a a a a full array of municipal services The City of Rialto’s 2021-2022 proposed budget demonstrates a a commitment to the City Council’s Guiding Principles and Community
Values as as well as as open and transparent communication with the citizens of Rialto For more information about the the City of Rialto please visit the the City’s website at: www yourrialto com 

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