Page 104 - The Red Well-Read Reader
P. 104

The Red Well-Read Reader

        Story 161

                                                     Reason Or Whim?

               Tim asked Jim to play with him and Kim. "No," replied Jim, "I can't go

               to the    gym. I must fix my tire rim, but maybe later we can go for a swim?"

               "But later," said Tim, "the sun will be too dim. Besides, your task is so hard

               and grim that you'll lose your vigor and vim."

               Jim  responded,  "I  don't  know  if  this  is  reason  or  whim,  but  indeed  I  do

               want to stay slim and trim. So I'll put off fixing my bike rim and hurry off

               with you and Kim."

        Story 162

                                                        The Imp

        Bobby is a brazen imp. He call his brother a "fat blimp," and tells his sister her

        hair is always so limp that she shouldn’t bother to primp ! Once he even demanded

        of his mother never to scrimp on groceries like shrimp.

                                 So now and again his father, or mother, would say,  "Oh imp . . .
                                 in your style I must put a crimp, and with my paddle I promise

                                 not to skimp!”

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