Page 37 - The Red Well-Read Reader
P. 37

The Red Well-Read Reader

                                                                                                        Story 27
                                                                                 A Brat

                                                       "Pat, don't be a brat ! Take off your hat, wipe

                                                       your  feet  on  the  mat  and scat. "Next  time

                                                       you mistreat our kitty cat, we won't chat. I'll

                                                       treat you like a rat, spank you with a bed slat,

                                                       or even cook you in a vat. Tit for tat !" Got
                                                       that ?

                                                                                                        Story 28

                                                       The Catch

        Through  a  hatch  that  didn’t  latch  sneaked  the  Cookie  Monster  into  the  house.

        Being dark, he lit a match. His snatch, cookies, a whole batch. He left through
        the same hatch, then ran di•rect•ly into a               briar patch. He received a nasty, tell-

        tale  scratch  and  lost  a  lost  a  sneaker  that  the  police  were  able  to match,  with
        which later they made their catch.

                                                                                                        Story 29
                                                   Mother's Wrath

         Jane's  mother  spanked  her  with  a  wooden  lath,  then  said,  "From  now  on  you'll

         walk a narrow path. You had better never again flunk math!

                                                                      "For  in•cit•ing  my  wrath,  starting

                                                                      tonight  you'll  go  to  bed  right

                                                                      after your bath."

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