Page 18 - Play Onwards Vol. 1
P. 18
Play Onwards Volume 1
2. A bill may become law by an __ __ __act of Congress.
3. The world leaders say they hope to sign a peace pact __ __ __ __.
4. Always __ __ __act as though you are being observed by angels.
5. __ __ __ __ tact is knowing what words to say, and how to say them so
that they will be well received.
6. Alaska consists of large __ __ __ __ __ __tracts of
7. Stalin acted__ __ __ __ __ as our worthy
friend even though, in fact__ __ __ __, he was a
mass murderer of fifty to sixty million Christians.
ad brad dad clad sad cad plaid
1. Jay was heavily __ __ __ __clad with two sweaters and an overcoat.
2. Joey felt very __ __ __sad whenever his __ __ __dad was away
from home on business.
3. Iron- __ __ __ __clad tanks rolled into a defensive position.
4. Carpenters use __ __ __ __ __ brads to nail on molding strips.
5. Only a __ __ __ cad would treat a lady with disrespect.