Page 13 - Play Onwards Vol. 1
P. 13

Play Onwards                                                                              Volume 1

        4.  You must jack __     __     __     __      up your car to put on the spare tire."

        5.   The     __     __     __     __     __    __flacks  working for military-industrial

              complex are selling us yet another war.

        6.   The opposite of white is black__     __     __     __     __.

        7.   Go     __     __     __     __,back  start again.

        8.  __     __     __     __back  up what you say with proof.

        9.   Denver is      __     __     __     __     __     __backed to the west by the Rocky

        10.  The jack__     __     __     __,     or knave, appears on four playing cards— one

              of each suit.

        11.   With the snow melting, the      __     __     __     __     __     __     __
              __clacking of car chains on the roadway grew louder.

                  knack          crack         slack         shack          quack

        12.  __     __     __     __     __,Quack said the duck.

        13.  It sounded like the     __     __     __     __     __ crack of a whip.

        14.  The rope is too loose, so take out some slack  __     __     __     __     __.

        15.  Winter surely is a     __     __     __     __     __slack  season for the golf shops

              in Alaska.

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