Page 9 - Play Onwards Vol. 1
P. 9

Play Onwards                                                                                   Volume 1

                                                  Technical Notes

         1.     For each letter there is one corresponding blank space.

         2.     Students should supply the letters that call for the past tense or progressive form of a
                verbs as well as the third person singular of verbs ( i.e. I run, you run, and he runs), plurals

                of nouns, and occasionally an ending “y” of an adjective or a “ly” of an adverb.

         3.     Some vocabulary words are frequently used more than once in an exercise.

         4.     The boxed blue words in regular font signify a different pronunciation and the boxed
                blue words in italicized font signify yet a third pronunciation.

         5.     Although  we  have  strived  to  make  every  sentence  sound  as  it  is  commonly  spoken,
                because  of  the  mechanical  reader’s  inconsistency  with  pronouncing  apostrophes  and
                contractions, a few sentences have had to be written in a stilted fashion.

         6.     To look up any word, select it, next right click on, and then lastly go to “Look Up” on the
                bottom line of the pop up box.


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