Page 4 - Play Onwards Vol. 1
P. 4

Play Onwards                                                                              Volume 1

        Practice Printing and Cursive

         For each lesson to be done, it should first be printed out so as to provide the opportunity for

         students to practice printing and penmanship. Plus, the completed sheets will show parents how
         accurately their children have done the work. The two skills ar usually practiced separately but

         may  be  practiced  simultaneously  on  the  same  sheet  of  paper.  These  exercises  serve  as  an
         adjunct to the Printing and Cursive Exercises, one of the Basic Six PDFs.

         Preparation for Reading

         By clicking on sentence after sentence repeatedly and hearing them read out loud, students will
         actually be learning to read. And they will be in good stead to begin formal reading lessons of

         The Red Well-Read Reader.

         Speaking Fluency
         Because most of the sentences are written at a much higher level than what is commonly seen

         in beginning basal readers, and many of the sentences are on an adult level, students will gain
         the facility to express themselves in a most intelligent and impressive manner. We editors have

         painstakingly striven to make each sentence sound like its used in common parlance; hence, there
         is frequently a need for parental pedagogic assistance.

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