Page 33 - Play Onwards Vol. 1
P. 33
Play Onwards Volume 1
6. Strawberry preserves were __ __ __ __ __ __canned in
special glass jars.
7. __ __ an ostrich is a tall, gangly bird that cannot fly.
fan man pan plan ran
8. Adam was the first man __ __ __ and Eve, the first woman.
9. The football team always plays well for the hometown fans__ __ __
10. A humming bird can __ __ __fan its wings amazingly fast.
11. At four o'clock, the workers __ __ __ __ __ __fanned out of
the building and hurried home.
12. " __ __ __man the guns!" was the captain's battle cry.
13. The television camera __ __ __ __ __ __panned the audience,
showing their smiling faces.
14. The miners were __ __ __ __ __ __ __panning for gold.
15. Their business venture didn't __ __ __pan out as they had hoped.
16. Without any written __ __ __ __,plans how did they expect to
17. George H. W. Bush __ __ __ran for reelection against Bill Clinton, but