Page 36 - Play Onwards Vol. 1
P. 36

Play Onwards                                                                              Volume 1

        11.   The city council took a      __     __     __     __     __     __stance against

               builders who needlessly cut down trees.

        12.   Insane asylums have patients who stare for hours in a  catatonic trance  __
               __     __     __     __     __.

        13.   John seemed to be in a       __     __     __     __     __     __, trance, not

               hearing a word his mother said.

        EXERCISE 13

                                               flanch  branch             stanch         blanch  ranch

                                         1.  The cowboys worked on a long-horned cattle ranch __

                                            __     __     __     __.

                                         2.  A swing hung from a tree branch  __    __    __

                                            __     __     __.

        3.     You should blanch__     __     __     __     __    __        almonds in boiling water
               for no more than one minute; if any longer, they will become soft.

        4.     At the mere thought of ghost in his room, he would     __     __ blanch

               __     __     __    __        and shake in fear.

        5.     The drapes in the south parlor began to       __     __     __     __    __

               __ blanch after just a year in the torrid sun.

        6.     Many rivers, big and small,     __     __     __     __     __     __branch  off of
               the Ohio River.

        7.     The medics were able to      __     __     __     __     __     __stanch the flow of

               blood and save the patient.

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