Page 79 - Play Onwards Vol. 1
P. 79

Play Onwards                                                                              Volume 1

        4.     Yellow flowers were in a glass    __     __     __     __vase in the center of the


        5.     By noon the judge had presided over fifty traffic cases__     __     __     __
               __—all defendants were found guilty!

        6.     Alongside the house was a      __     __     __     __   __ chase with two

               Dobermans to roam in.

        7.     The hounds     __     __     __     __    __     __chased after the fox.

        8.     Mother locked our silverware in a, wooden case__     __     __     __.

        9.     The scouts camped at the    __     __     __     __base of a mountain.

        10.   Once solid silver—quarters, dimes, and nickels are now minted with     __

               __     __     __base metals.

        11.   The Sound of Music is     __     __     __     __    __based on the Austrian Von

               Trapp family.

        12.   The senator chided the company, saying that it had a     __     __     __
               __base motive for "helping" the American Indians.

        13.   If this be the     __     __     __     __,case then we have been wrong all along.

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