Page 83 - Play Onwards Vol. 1
P. 83

Play Onwards                                                                              Volume 1

        EXERCISE 41

                                         page        cage        age        rage

        1.     She wrote a ten- __     __     __     __page report.

        2.     When the bird__     __     __     __cage, was opened, the cat seemed to smile.

        3.     Bourbon is    __     __     __    __aged in wooden barrels called casks.

        4.     Methuselah lived to a ripe old   __     __     __age of 969 years.

        5.     The storm     __     __     __     __    __raged on all night long, blowing over

               trees, snapping telephone poles and downing electrical lines.

        6.     The senator asked his   __     __     __     __pageboy to run some errands for


        7.     We heard your name      __     __     __     __    __paged on the loudspeaker.

        8.     Years ago, the hula hoop was the rage __     __     __     __.

        9.     No doubt about it, we live in an electronic age __     __     __.

                                sage      swage        wage       stage              gauge

        10.   For sweeping streets, the going    __     __     __     __wage is $8 per hour.

   78   79   80   81   82   83   84   85   86   87   88