Page 25 - TRWRR 6-23-2019_Neat
P. 25

The Red Well-Read Reader

                                                                                                          Story 3


               If you have tact, then thoughtful is how you'd act.  With anger, you'd not

               react, smiles not tears you'd extract, and rash words you'd need not re-

               tract.  As a matter of fact, the way you'd act would likely make a most

               favorable impact.

                                                                                                          Story 4


        Brad wasn’t such a nice lad.  He seldom made his mom

        or dad glad.  And as he grew older he turned awfully

        bad.  Girls called him a good-for-nothing cad.  And his

        teacher said he couldn’t even add.

        Of course, Brad never did become a grad, yet a job he

        still should have had.  But lazy Brad refused so much

        as look at a want ad.

                                                                                      HELP WANTED
        Now the foolish boy is terribly, terribly sad.                        Trainee – Must know
                                                                              ABC’s. Must be able to
                                                                              count to 100. Must know
                                                                              up from down and left
                                                                              from right. Knowing
                                                                              right from wrong would
                                                                              be helpful also.

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