Page 30 - TRWRR 6-23-2019_Neat
P. 30

The Red Well-Read Reader

        Story 12

                                    To France

               For weeks Vance was in a trance.  He dreamt of going to France.  He

               wanted so much to get a glance at knights who wield a lance while

               riding horses that prance.  Moreover, he wanted to seethe Pa•ri•sian

               showgirls dance.

               But would his boss take a blocking stance ?

               No!  To his surprise he was given a pay advance.  So he rushed to tell

               his wife, Nance, who thrilled at the chance of romance.  Then they

               were off to France as though biting ants were in their pants.

        Story 13
                                                     On the Ranch

                       The thought of work made Billy-Joe blanch.  However,

                       rather than starve, he took a job on a Dude ranch.

                       He had to pick almonds from the branch, which he placed in a pot

                       to blanch.

                       He also picked fruits to blanch.  After a few months, when the

                       hot sun made his clothes blanch and his hair blanch, he quit and

                       married–you guessed it . . . Blanche.

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