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P. 14

Beginning with early Modernism, a major design objective                           Architects ask, how, then, do we experience the Barcelona
               has been to eliminate borders from the built environment:                         Pavilion positively? The answer is because Ludwig Mies van
               window and door frames, transitional spaces, and the                              der Rohe used biophilic  design principles to establish a
               distinction between inside and outside. Many practitioners                        positive connection between the user and the structure.
               explicitly state this as their goal. The justification, however, is               Those include the natural detail and patterns on the
               a confused appeal to political freedom: "removing borders                         travertine limestone and giant marble slabs, the pools of
               frees society," although it achieves nothing of the sort.                         water on the sides; lots of natural light; and the naturalistic
               Nevertheless, linking a design style to powerful ideological                      statue of a woman set in one of the pools. The casual visitor
               slogans has made it seductive and almost impossible to                            is seduced by the biophilic elements and fails to notice the
               criticize.                                                                        lack of enclosure. People's attention is distracted, so they
               Mies's pavilion in Barcelona is an excellent example to                           don't notice when an essential quality of inhabitable space
               understand what happened after Modernism. This iconic                             has been destroyed
               building of the Modernist style built-in 1929 provides no
               distinction between inside and outside. An intentional feature
               of its design has led to poor results when copied by later
               buildings that depend upon enclosing a space (as most
               buildings do).
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