Page 58 - VI DERM BOOK COM (002)_FINAL
P. 58

                                                                                                practitioner tips

             GENERAL                                                AFTERCARE

             •  VI Peel Body should not be used on the face or front of   •  Retinoic Serum must be used twice a day (morning
               neck. The formula was created to combat thicker skin   & night) until flaking or peeling begins and then
               on the body, and if used on the face or front of neck, it   immediately discontinued.
               can penetrate deeper than needed and result in greater   •  Peeling typically begins on days 4-7 but can be longer.
               risk to the patient.                                   On subsequent peels when CRF has improved, peeling
             •  The body has a much lower pain response than the      will begin and complete quicker.
               face. VI Peel Body is virtually painless on application.   •  Peeling typically lasts for 3-5 days but can be longer
               Patients generally describe the sensation as an “icy-  for patients who are over 50 years old or who did not
               hot” feeling but do not consider it painful.           use the Retinoic Serum as directed.
             •  VI Peel Body is self-neutralizing. Avoid all topical   •  For hand peeling, provide patients with gloves to wear
               products or washing for 4 hours after the peel         as a reminder to not wash off peel for the first 4 hours.
             •  Keep pure acetone in stock on your backbar. Pure
               acetone is readily available through Amazon and      FREQUENCY
               McKesson for just a few dollars. Avoid purchasing a   •  VI Peel Body can be performed every 4-8 weeks.
               gallon size; rather, opt for 16-32 oz bottles to retain
               efficacy.                                            •  Most conditions will require 3 sessions for optimal
                                                                    •  Patients can use the remaining Retinoic Serum nightly
             PROTOCOL & APPLICATION                                   in between peels to improve cellular turnover.
                                                                      Retinoic Serum should not be used when active
             •  Avoid application to areas of excoriated skin, tattoos, or
               piercings, or any areas of impaired skin integrity.    desquamation is occurring.
             •  Pressure used during application should be light to
               medium. Firm pressure is not recommended. Scrubbing   BEFORE
               the skin should be avoided as well.
                                                                    Avoid any professional treatment that creates exfoliation
             •  Fewer layers are needed than VI Peel Facial formulas.
               Typically, only 3-4 layers are needed.               to the skin for 2 weeks prior to your VI Peel Body
             •  Longer time intervals between layers are needed. The
               body has a much slower response and requires 3-5
               minutes between each layer to adequately assess skin
               response.                                            AFTER
             •  Clinical endpoints are less defined, due to the skin   •  Discontinue use of exfoliating products like scrubs,
               physiology of the body. For example, erythema is       AHAs, and Retinoic Serum 24-48 hours prior to your
               slower to appear and longer to dissipate. Endpoints can   visit.
               be more difficult to distinguish in Fitzpatrick 4-6.  •  Avoid waxing for 7 days prior to visit. Shaving can be
                                                                      done 24 hours prior to visit.
                     °  Desirable Endpoints: Diffuse erythema (mild to   •  Avoid tanning beds and self-tanner for 7 days prior to
                    moderate)                                         visit.

                     °  Terminal Endpoints: Level I frost or prominent
                    erythema that does not subside in 2-5 minutes
                    and/or pain level over 6+.
                     °  Undesirable Endpoints: Vesiculation and/or Level
                    II frost.
                     °  Subsequent peels can be done with medium
                    pressure and greater number of layers.

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