Page 82 - VI DERM BOOK COM (002)_FINAL
P. 82

                                                                        combination therapies

                Treatments            Stacked or Alternating  Safety Parameter  Expected Results          Recommended VI Peel
               Cheek Augmentation Fillers    Stacked   Same day                Fillers lift. VI Peel tightens   Advanced or
               (Perlane, Restylane LYFT, Voluma)                               and smooths the skin.      Precision Plus
               Lip Fillers                                                     VI Peel clears skin allowing
               (Restylane, Volbella,   Stacked         Same day                lips to look fuller.       Any VI Peel
               Juvederm, Versa)
               Lower Face Dermal Fillers   Alternating  7-10 days after Peel   Fill deep wrinkles and folds while   Advanced or
               (NL Folds)                                                      improving fine lines, texture and pigmentation.  Precision Plus
                                                                               Volumize and restore epidermal   Advanced or
               Sculptra               Alternating      10 days after Peel
                                                                               skin health.               Precision Plus
                                                       Alternating: 10-14 days after peel
               Mesotherapy            Both Options     Stacked: Same day requires    Kybella kills fat. VI Peel firms   Advanced or
               (Kybella)                                                       and tightens skin.         Precision Plus
                                                       additional prep and screening
               Neurotoxins                                                     Botox prevents wrinkle formation.   Advanced or
               (Botox, Dysport, Xeomin)  Stacked       Same day                VI Peel fades existing wrinkles.  Precision Plus

                     Energy Based Devices
               Ablative Laser
               (Co2, Erbium, Pearl, Fraxel,   Alternating  2-3 weeks after Peel  VI Peel as a pretreatment ensures patient   Any VI Peel
                                                                               compliance of resurfacing laser.
               Picosure, Halo)
               Fat Reduction                           Face: Same day          Perform at the same time and double   Face: Any VI Peel
               (Coolsculpting, sculpSure,   Both Options                       their results.
               Zerona, Vanquish)                       Body: 14 days after Body Peel                      Body: VI Peel Body

                                                       Alternating: 10-14 days after peel
               IPL / BBL              Both Options     Stacked: Same day requires    VI Peel breaks IPL plateau and enhances   Any VI Peel
                                                                               light absorption.
                                                       additional prep and screening
               Laser Hair Removal     Alternating      10-14 days after Peel   VI Peel contains post laser breakouts.  Any VI Peel
               Radio Frequency        Alternating      10-14 days after Peel   Laser only increases collagen.   Advanced or
               (Thermage, Titan, Ultherapy)                                    VI Peel lifts pigment.     Precision Plus
                                                       Alternating: 14+ days after peel
               Non-Ablative Laser     Both Options     Stacked: Same day requires    VI Peel deep exfoliation improves  Any VI Peel
                                                                                laser penetration.
                                                       additional prep and screening
                     Facial & Facial Modalities
                                                       Alternating: 14+ days after peel
               Dermaplaning           Both Options     Stacked: Same day requires    Results in improved texture and   Any VI Peel
                                                                               product penetration.
                                                       additional prep and screening
                                                                               VI Peel clears the skin allowing
               Facials                Alternating      7-10 days after Peel    for easier extractions.    Any VI Peel
               High Frequency         Stacked          Same day                Detoxify, reduce inflammation   VI Purify or Purify
                                                                               and clear acne.            with Precision Plus
               Hydrodermabrasion      Alternating      10-14 days after Peel   Hydrafacial will enhance glow   Any VI Peel
               (DiamondGlow, HydraFacial, Jet Peel)                            of VI Peel.

               LED Light              Stacked          Same day                Dual approach to boost regeneration   Any VI Peel
                                                                               power and to contain acne.
               Microdermabrasion      Stacked          Same day                Boost the VI Peel and improve penetration.  Any VI Peel
                     Additional Interventions
               Microneedling          Alternating      10-14 days after Peel   Microneedling breaks pigment.   Any VI Peel
                                                                               The VI Peel lifts it.
               PRP/PRF Injections     Alternating      7-10 days after Peel    VI Peel deep exfoliation boosts   Any VI Peel
                                                                               PRP penetration.
                                                                               Microneedling breaks pigment.
               RF Microneedling       Alternating      10-14 days after Peel   The VI Peel lifts it.      Any VI Peel

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