Page 88 - VI DERM BOOK COM (002)_FINAL
P. 88

                                                                   marketing & promotions


             Patient photographs have has been a long-standing component in the aesthetic arena. Not only does it provide
             protection for your practice but it is a highly effective method of promotion. We know impactful before and after
             pictures drive engagement for your existing patients, for prospective patients and for your overall social following.
             There are also added benefits for your team. A post of a before and after image takes very little time to create and also
             requires very little copywriting time. A post about a service or skin condition requires more time and copywriting skills to
             deliver your message.

             Take initial steps to assure you consistently obtain usable before and after pictures. The most important picture is that
             first baseline image. Take several with different aspects and different lighting, as you can never replicate that image.
             Subsequent photos can be retaken but you will never be able to obtain a baseline photograph again.

             There are several tools and apps available to assure consistency in your photography. With a little research you can
             select the best tool for your practice. Ultimately, regardless of the tool you use, remain consistent with the camera/
             phone/tablet you use as well as the location and lighting.

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