Page 14 - International Psychics Directory 2018
P. 14


            Give Yourself

            Permission to Shine

            by Tracey Nichols

                     ave you ever      Many people have great    to opportunities that bring   automatic—until then, adjust
                     felt that some    success by addressing     financial security and will be   any doubts or criticisms
                     people have       limiting mindset and self-talk.   comfortable acknowledging   that come into your mind by
                     a magic touch     Someone who is always     your value in the workplace.   turning them to the positive.
           Hwhen it comes to           struggling financially may   You won’t think twice about
            manifesting opportunities,   identify as someone who   applying for positions in   Healing, balancing and
            solutions and a better life?   never has enough money and   a higher wage bracket   energising the chakra
            Creating what we want,     expect not to have enough.   because you won’t doubt   connected to an area
            whether it be in our work,   Although they complain   your worth. You won’t be   you feel is blocked is
            home or spiritual practice   about it, they don’t examine   afraid to walk away from   also helpful. Chakras are
            is so much easier when     their relationship with money   situations that do not meet   spinning energy centres
            there aren’t any energetic,   and do not change how they   your financial goals because   in the aura/energy field
            emotional or psychological   think, feel or relate to money.   you can trust another   connected and associated
            ‘blocks’ hindering the                                                         to different physical parts
            process. Manifesting can look                                                  of the body and emotional
            like magic to those who are                                                    and mental states of
            not aware of their blocks and   It is possible to change                       being. Simply breathing
            their limiting effects. Once   your financial, or any other                    the associated colour into
            you recognise them, and give                                                   a chakra is one great and
            yourself permission to rise     situation, by changing                         simple on-the-spot method
            above them, you will enter the                                                 of healing and energising a
            flow of life where doors more          your self-talk.                         chakra.
            readily open and plans come
            together so much easier.                                                       Financial and career
                                       Their self-talk and beliefs   position will be presented.   situations are connected
            Affirmations, angelic therapy   perpetuate the reality of                      to the base chakra. In this
            and energy work such as    financial struggle. I was one   Affirmations are a wonderful   example, you would breathe
            chakra, meridian and aura   of those people.         way to address your       the colour red down to the
            corrections are all great                            self-talk. By repeating   base chakra located at
            ways for clearing limiting   It is possible to change   statements that are    the base of the spine. This
            beliefs, patterns and blocks.   your financial, or any other   positively focused on what   chakra is connected to the
            They also help heal and    situation, by changing your   you want and who you want   feet, legs and buttocks
            clear trauma energy and    self-talk. If you believe you   to become, you are making   and feelings around safety,
            any residual emotional     will always have enough   quiet and powerful change.   security, finances and
            and mental effects of past   money and will have your   Also watch how you think   career.
            experiences—all of which   needs and desires fully   and communicate so you
            can prevent someone from   met and provided for, your   are consistently framing   Even with affirmations,
            transforming the life they   financial circumstances do   things in the positive.   energy work and manifesting
            have into the life they want.   change. You will connect   Over time this will become   techniques, some people

                                    Heather often amazes her clients by giving ‘spot-on’ predictions for present and future
                                    issues, as well as clear connections to the spirits of loved ones. She is a clairvoyant
                                    and medium who has over 15 years experience as a professional psychic. She has
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                                    Heather is available for party bookings at her country retreat in the beautiful Tweed
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         In Australia: 1902 250 041*  Valley.  For a phone reading with Heather, call +61 (2) 6679 3712 or +61 (0)418 116 365.
         Credit Card: 1300 663 986**   *Heather’s Psychics 1902 250 041 $3.96 / min higher from mobile phones. Service provider: Access Positive
    **Credit Card line 1300 663 986 (from $3.10 /min). Please enter Operator ID No. 4182 to speak to Heather

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