Page 11 - International Psychics Directory 2018
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2017 Psychic 2017 Psychic
People’s Choice Award Hall of Fame Award
collaboration between the International Psychics he Psychic Hall of Fame Award is open to members of the
A Association and the International Psychics Directory, this TInternational Psychics Association who have demonstrated
award gives our readers the chance to vote for their favourite a lifetime commitment to the psychic field. Recipients have a
psychic contributor. This could be anyone appearing anywhere minimum of thirty years experience in their craft. Our thanks to
in the directory be it in advertising, articles, photos or otherwise. this year’s winner for her contribution to the mystical arts.
This year, votes went to twenty-two psychics, and our winner
had votes from readers in four different countries.
up with her but in spirit. At the doing meditation and learnt
age of twelve, Mary wanted more about psychic ability
to study astrology, and for the and how to develop it. In
next two years her dad drove her forties, she extended
her to the Sydney Astrology her practice to readings in
Centre in Crowsnest every spiritual shops, and also
Friday night. taught meditation, how to
connect with angels and
Later, Mary began studying psychic development.
law at university, but dropped
out as it wasn’t her. At twenty- Now in her sixties, Bonnie
one, she began reading remains passionate about
professionally in Brisbane her spiritual work. She
under the wing of a lady offers mediumship readings,
named Trish who had reading clairvoyant readings,
Mary Loughland rooms at the Myer Centre and Bonnie Parsons life coaching, spiritual
at Toowong Village. She’s counselling and business
Mary bought her first pack grateful to Trish for believing As a child, Bonnie was able coaching.
of tarot cards from Dymocks in her and taking her on at to see spirits of deceased
at the age of ten using a gift such a young age. animals and humans. She Bonnie is based in
voucher she had won in an was also able to predict Townsville, but has happy
essay competition at school. Fast forward to 2017 and storms and family events. clients all over the world as
She immediately began to Mary works full time as a In her teen years, she evidenced by her five-star
read for friends and family. psychic medium. She has a chose to ignore her abilities, rating on her Facebook
Like many mediums, she had passion for teaching tarot and but believes this had a page.
psychic experiences from an has just completed her first detrimental effect on her
early age, and could see the book, The Little Book of Tarot, health; she suffered severe Congratulations Bonnie!
spirit of a little boy in her room due for release in 2018. Mary migraines that left her
who would kick a soccer is a regular on PTV Australia bedridden.
ball around most nights. Her and is currently doing some
mother received validation paranormal investigations for At the age of twenty, Bonnie
through a clairvoyant that the a documentary on Wakehurst started using her abilities
boy had passed as a baby Parkway. again to offer guidance to
at the time she was born. He friends and family. In her
was Mary’s cousin, growing thirties, Bonnie started
Psychic, Medium and Holistic Coach Brett Barry
M 0422 709 119
E ~ Face to Face Readings ~ Holistic Life Coaching Professional Member of:
P.O. Box 5008 Brassall Qld 4305 ~ Telephone Readings ~ Past Life Regression
Brett Barry Psychic Medium and Holistic Coach
Dianne Parker Dianne Parker runs the States of Grace College for Psychic & Mediumship Development
Awaken to Spirit! on the Northern Beaches. Dianne is a Psychic, Clairvoyant and Spiritual Medium, an experienced
Meditation Guide, Psychic Artist, accredited Spiritual Healer and Usui and Karuna Reiki Master.
Mona Vale & Since 2000, Dianne has studied and tutored in Australia and Internationally. She lovingly shares her
Coffs Harbour, NSW spiritual wisdom and knowledge, mostly gained from the acclaimed Arthur Findlay College in London.
Phone: +61 403 411 411 Dianne tutors with unconditional love and compassion to encourage the awakening of the spirit within. She nurtures the unfoldment for every student of their psychic potential, bringing wholeness and balance to body, mind and spirit.