Page 8 - International Psychics Directory 2018
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moving to see these gentle
giants following the moonlight
Certainly. Where I sat was and surviving all adversities
next to the main stage and to give life. All mothers, either
the organisers noticed that human or animal, are incred-
something was going on ibly precious!
there. People were waiting
in a queue, talking. They WHERE ARE YOU
invited me to the stage, gave
me a microphone and asked OFF TO NEXT?
me to give readings to the
crowd. It was incredible to talk Egypt and Turkey.
and try to help people from
every corner of the planet. The
from over thirty countries. With ence immensely. organisers took my contact WHAT’S IN THE CUP
overseas clients, language is details and asked if I would go
the key; not everyone speaks back next year. FOR YOU IN 2018?
English. As well as Turkish WHAT WERE YOUR My vlog, or ‘video book’ as I
and English I can converse in HIGHLIGHTS? call it. Many come to me with
German, and these days I am HOW WAS YOUR issues related to their private
working on my Greek and Ara- Sitting in the main camp in the lives. Over the years, I have
bic to be able to reach more morning I gave readings one TRIP TO MEXICO done studies in marriage
people. I love languages and after another. I met a young AND YOUR and relationship counsel-
other cultures, so everywhere American couple. After their ling, shamanism and spiritual
has something to offer. reading the man burst into EXPERIENCE development. My glass is now
tears. He had thought he was VISITING THE full and it is time to share.
a bad person because of the This is not psychic medium
violence occurring in Afghani- reading, it just outlines the
BURNING MAN? stan during his time there as SACRED SITES? rules of a successful marriage
a soldier. I had helped him and union. Soon, I will launch
This is where people stay for a overcome his guilt. Another I feel enlightened about the this project on my website and
week in the desert in Nevada. man was suffering in his mar- Mayan culture; my partner social media.
This year there were seventy riage because his mother-in- and I were curious about
thousand participants from all law had moved into his home the Chichen Itza and Tulum
around the world. CEOs, stu- causing a big rift. I explained pyramids. We learnt a lot Learn more about
dents, backpackers, business- his options, and he was grate- about how the locals created Deniz Batuk at www.
men, artists, young and old. ful to hear there was hope to their civilisations and lived
heal his union with his beloved their faiths. It was fascinating.
wife. One day, a glamorous, To me the most sacred place A lifetime student of the
WHAT TOOK YOU tall transgender lady came and temple is our inner world. esoteric and metaphysical,
TO BURNING MAN to me. She was also Turkish, When I talk to my clients I get Nic Skuja is a self-styled,
and we talked in my mother an insight about their lives, globetrotting mystic. She
THIS YEAR? tongue—far far away from which is more precious than feels blessed to have visited
Turkey. She was a beautiful any physical journey in this
First my partner wanted to go, soul. I remember giving advice world. many sacred sites and to
but in the end we went as a about how she could locate have had the opportunity
group of four people. When the right person for her. In Mexico, my personal to study under many New
I was there, I realised many Age luminaries. Nic is a
people go to grieve after los- highlight was Mother Nature gifted clairvoyant and energy
herself, in Tulum, observing
ing someone or a break-up DO YOU SEE worker and is a member of
and to heal and burn their giant Caretta caretta [log- the IPA.
gerhead] turtles coming to the
sorrow. I gifted my readings A RETURN TO
there and enjoyed this experi- BURNING MAN IN beach to lay their eggs. It was
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