Page 14 - dust collection systems
P. 14

nonwoven fabric also suppresses cake formation. Due to this,
               dust cake never becomes fully established and the primary

               filtration media is the dust-loaded fabric itself. Hence this

               type of filtering is called noncake filtration. A nonwoven

               fabric is generally used for filtering very fine particles.

               Felted bags should not be used in high humidity situations,

               especially if the particles are hygroscopic (these particles

               have an affinity to absorb moisture and thus become sticky)

               because clogging or blinding could result in such situations.

               It may be noted that in both these filtration mechanisms, the

               filtration media includes collected dust. In dust cake

               filtration, collected dust is the primary filtration media,

               implying that understanding the dust properties is the key to

               understanding the filtration performance.

               Pre-coating / Seeding

               For a baghouse to operate efficiently, the fabric filters must

               first capture the particles and then release them during the

               cleaning cycle. The effectiveness of this process depends on

               the development of the dust cake (initial control layer of

               dust) that protects the fabric interstices.

                Pre-coating is the application of a relatively coarse, dry dust

               to a filter element before start-up to provide an initial filter
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