Page 12 - dust collection systems
P. 12
fibers, bonded together by chemical, mechanical, heat or
solvent treatment. A nonwoven fabric, fibrous matl, is often
called needlefelt or felt. Most bags are either completely or
partially made by weaving since nonwoven fabrics are
generally attached to a woven base called a scrim.
Fabric filtration can be subdivided into two
mechanisms/modes: cake filtration and noncake/depth
Cake Filtration
In a woven fabric filter, particles get collected by a ‘sieving’
mechanism in which particles too large to pass through the
mesh of the fabric are caught and retained on the surface of
the filter. The caught particles gradually build up a cake on
the fabric surface so that the labyrinthine nature of the gas
flow path continually increases while the effective mesh size
decreases. Some particles escape through the filter until the
cake is formed. The collection efficiency of the filter will
therefore tend to improve with use. However, the pressure
drop across the filter increases. Hence, optimum operating
cake layer/thickness is a trade-off between collection
efficiency and pressure drop and regular cleaning is essential
to maintain the pressure drop at an operational level.
As collection efficiency during the initial cake construction
period is lower than after a uniform cake has been
established, operation without a dust cake is undesirable and
is minimized