Page 8 - dust collection systems
P. 8
A sudden drop in the differential pressure denotes a leak in
the system. Whereas a sudden or sharp rise in the differential
pressure denotes that the filter bags are becoming blinded or
“caked” with particulate. Hence the differential pressure
gauge is the best indicator of baghouse’s current operating
status, and offers critical information for troubleshooting.
Advantages and Disadvantages of Fabric Filters
Fabric filters in general provide high collection efficiencies on
both coarse and fine (submicron) particulates. They are
relatively insensitive to fluctuations in gas stream conditions.
Operation is relatively simple. flammable dust may be
collected with proper care. Fabric filters are useful for
collecting particles with resistivities either too low or too high
for collection with electrostatic precipitators. Fabric filters
therefore may be good candidates for collecting fly ash from
low sulphur coals or fly ash containing high unburned carbon
levels, which respectively have high and low resistivities, and
thus are relatively difficult to collect with electrostatic
However, there are gas temperature limits to the application
of fabric filters because of the limits of the fabric itself. At
high temperatures, the fabric can thermally degrade, or the
protective finishes can volatilize. Accordingly, fabric filters
have usually been limited to gas temperatures below