Page 23 - 01oct_YOGINI_Neat
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“The concept of this film is great and something
that I have not seen before. It feels like a unique
amalgamation of different movies, topics, and genres,
“This concept was thoughtfully executed and treated its young and that’s great. It makes this story stand apart from
protagonist with a level of respect we could use more of in film. the crowd as well as marketable.” (Coverage 8/2/21)
This script comes off as both a feel-good family story and a
story of personal discovery and “coming of age” that I haven’t
seen explored in quite this way and was very refreshing to see.
There is certainly a market for stories of personal and spiritual
discovery, as well as processing grief. This script made a very
specific story feel universally relatable on an emotional level.“
(11/25/20) “It is ultimately moving and eye opening.
Seeing a coming of age story through a grieving
young woman finding yoga is a lovely message
that has the power to speak to many audiences
“This is a really great script and was a joy of many different backgrounds.” (Coverage
to read. At the risk of repeating myself, the 01/08/20)
writer manages to engage us all the way
through with the character’s journey. There
is a lot of heart and depth and a beautifully
tied story by the close. There’s an excellent
writer here with a great story on their hands.”
(Coverage 8/1/21)
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