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Main Characters Secondary Characters
Samantha Bianchi (aka Sam) - age 15
A deeply pensive teenager who at one time
had a gregarious nature and a sarcastic Raphael Bianchi (aka Rafi) - age 53
charm but following the death of her father, Sam’s deceased father. A loving,
she has become reserved and angry. Sam devoted father and talented
is experiencing a crisis of faith following musician who’s world revolved
her father’s death. She is a talented and around Sam.
passionate guitar player who shares her
father’s dream of becoming a musician but
is unable to pick up a guitar after he dies.
Nripen Khatri (aka Rip) - age 16
Sam’s best friend and champion, a
lanky 16-year old Indian boy, with
Father Anthony Bianchi - age 30 an easy going demeanor and a
Sam’s antagonist - Anthony is her playful sense of humor.
brother and a staunch, Catholic
Priest with strict, narrow views.
Beth Bianchi - age 27 Jasmine (aka Jazzy) - aged 32
Honest, hard-working, strong, An edgy rocker who owns a bar and plays
go-getter, Beth really wants to lead guitar in an all-female heavy metal
do right by Sam but doesn’t know band. Even though Sam does not show it,
if she has what it takes as she is Jasmine becomes a source of fascination for
a little in over her head trying to
raise a mourning teenager. Sam and becomes the medium that gives
Sam the opportunity to play again.
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