Page 12 - 01oct_YOGINI_Neat
P. 12

Personal Interest

            This story is personal to me because of the emotional paralysis and
            suffering  I experienced as  a  teen following  the  loss  and  absence
            of my father. A published poet and recording artist, my father’s first
            love was music. We shared a unique connection bound by our mutual

            passion for guitar and writing. I became his “little prodigy,” but tangled
            up in my grief,  with no support to help me cope, my creativity shut
            down.  Unable  to  find  my  way through  my grief  via  conventional
            means, I sought the counsel of a yoga acharya. Under her guidance,

            the spiritual path of yoga eventually became the conduit that led me
            through my grief, but not until much later. This film is the other side
            of that story. It shows how grief can stop you dead in your tracks, but
            it also shows what can happen when you rally back from it. Yogini is

            the comeback story I would have liked to have lived.

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