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                                    13 | Page November 2 5 I ssueKDOT encourages participation in bus study survey to improve long-distance servicesThe Kansas Department of Transportation announces the launch of a comprehensive bus study survey to enhance public transportation services across the state.Anyone can take the survey, especially users of public transit and intercity bus services. The survey will take about six minutes to complete and is available online at The survey will close on Nov. 30.The study will assess the current long-distance bus services provided by public transit agencies and private intercity carriers. Kansas supports three intercity bus carriers: Greyhound, Jefferson Lines and Village Travel.The survey feedback KDOT receives will help shape the future of Kansas%u2019 bus services and meet the transportation needs of residents and communities across the state.%u201cPublic transportation plays a crucial role in connecting communities and allowing access to essential services across the state,%u201d said KDOT Public Transportation Manager Rene Hart. %u201cThe feedback we receive will guide our efforts to create a more efficient, accessible and responsive transit system that meets the diverse needs of our communities.%u201dFor more information on the study, a list of frequently asked questions and more, or contact Hart at in County Government is KAC%u2019s foundational leadership program that is available for all county employees, elected as well as appointed, at all levels within any department.Ready to Begin? First Step: Program Enrollment. If you are ready to begin and would like to enroll in the Foundations in County Government certificate program, please email Kimberly Qualls, for more information. Next Step: Class Enrollment. Below you will find the current classes scheduled for the program. 
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