Page 16 - Demo
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16 | Page November 2 5 I ssueThursday, January 16, 20257:00 %u2013 8 am Registration and Breakfast8:00 %u2013 8:15 am Welcome and Introductions8:15 %u2013 9:30 am County Government 1019:30 %u2013 10:00 am Refreshment Break and Photo Session10:00 %u2013 10:45 am The Commissioner%u2019s Job Description10:45 am %u2013 12:15 pm The Commission(er)%u2019s Role in Ensuring Transparency, Complying with the Kansas Open Meetings Act, and Running/Participating in Effective Meetings12:15 %u2013 1:15 pm Lunch1:15 pm The 3 Major Policy Arenas: Public Health, Public Safety & Public Works1:15 %u2013 1:55 pm 1st of 3: Public Health1:55 %u2013 2:35 pm 2nd of 3: Public Safety2:35 %u2013 2:50 pm Stretch Break2:50 %u2013 3:30 pm 3rd of 3: Public Works3:30 %u2013 3:45 pm Refreshment Break3:30 %u2013 4:00 p.m. TBD4:00 %u2013 5:00 pm Lincoln County v. Nielander Revisited: A discussion of the powers and obligations of elected county officials and how things %u201cought%u201d to work. 5:00 %u2013 5:10 pm Reflections & Reactions5:15 %u2013 7:30 pm Reception & DinnerFriday, January 17, 20257:00 %u2013 8:00 am Breakfast Buffet & Talking with Your Citizens %u2013A Conversation with Mike Taylor8:00 %u2013 8:10 am Opening Context & Overnight Reflections8:10 %u2013 8:50 am Managing Financial Risk: Property/Casualty/Liability Exposures8:50 %u2013 9:30 am Managing Financial Risk: Employee Safety and Workers Compensation 9:30 %u2013 9:45 am Refreshment Break9:45 %u2013 10:30 am. The County%u2019s Voice at the National Level: The National Association of Counties (NACo)10:30 %u2013 11:30 am TBD11:30 %u2013 NOON Closing Remarks & What%u2019s NextNOON AdjournFor questions or more information, please contact Kimberly Qualls, KAC Education & Communications Director, via email:, or phone: 785.213.4717.REGISTER HERE