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14 | Page January 1 7 I ssueGovernor Kelly Announces Nominations Open for 2025 Exporter of the YearTOPEKA (1.10.2025) %u2013 Governor Laura Kelly announced on Friday that the Kansas Department of Commerce is accepting nominations for the 2025 Governor%u2019s Exporter of the Year Award.The Governor%u2019s Exporter of the Year Award is a prestigious honor the governor gives annually to best-in-class companies conducting international business from Kansas. These businesses are honored as examples of Kansas%u2019 excellence in exporting to countries around the world.%u201cKansas exporters are critical to a growing economy, and when paired with the strengths of our state, Kansas companies are reaching new markets with products grown and made right here at home,%u201d Governor Laura Kelly said. %u201cIt%u2019s important that we acknowledge the importance of exporting and highlight Kansas businesses that are prospering in international trade.%u201dThe Kansas Department of Commerce%u2019s International Division and the Kansas International Trade Coordinating Council (KITCC) coordinate the selection process of the award.%u201cAll over Kansas, hundreds of exceptional exporting businesses work tirelessly to meet the needs of customers across the globe,%u201d said Lieutenant Governor and Secretary of Commerce David Toland. %u201cI encourage everyone to nominate one of our great exporting companies, as they deserve the honor and recognition for their significant economic contributions.%u201dTo be eligible, companies must be in good standing with the State of Kansas and currently operating in and exporting from Kansas. Nominations must be received by Feb. 28, 2025.%u201cEach year we look for outstanding export performance and find it in companies large and small in every corner of the state,%u201d said KITCC Chair Dr. Melissa Birch. %u201cThe ingenuity Kansas exporters demonstrate in finding new markets and adapting or designing products to the specific needs of a foreign market is inspiring. They exemplify the best of business for their communities, their employees, and their customers.%u201dTo nominate a business, including your own, click here.For more information on the Governor%u2019s Exporter of the Year Award, including past winners and notable anniversaries, click here.