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8 | Page January 1 7 I ssueMiami - 279-61 KA-7485-01 - K-279, from the U.S. 169/K-279 junction north to State Hospital, ultrathin bonded asphalt surfacing, 0.5 mile, Bettis Asphalt & Construction Inc., Topeka, Kansas, $81,054.79.District Five %u2014 South CentralButler - 400-8 KA-7455-01 - U.S. 400, east city limits of Leon east to the Greenwood/Butler county line, milling and overlay, 14.2 miles, APAC-Kansas Inc. Shears Division, Hutchinson, Kansas, $3,099,228.78.Harvey - 135-40 KA-7547-01 - I-135, from the K-15/I-135 junction north to the Harvey/McPherson county line, pavement patching, 8.3 miles, RA Knapp Construction Inc., Lenexa, Kansas, $369,409.50.District Six %u2014 SouthwestFinney - 50-28 KA-7464-01 - U.S. 50B, from the North Campus Drive in Garden City east to the U.S. 83/US50B east junction, milling and overlay, 0.4 mile, Venture Corporation, Great Bend, Kansas, $208,067.53.Finney - 83-28 KA-6732-01 - U.S. 83, bridge #017 located at the U.S. 50/U.S. 83 junction, bridge repair, Bridges Inc, Newton, Kansas, $1,128,633.30.Finney - 50-28 KA-7465-01 - U.S. 50, from the U.S. 83/U.S. 50 east junction east to North Towns Road in Garden City, milling and overlay, 2.6 miles, Venture Corporation, Great Bend, Kansas, $1,228,366.71.Finney - 50-28 KA-7463-01 - U.S. 50B, from West Mary Street in Garden City north to south of the U.S. 83/U.S. 400 north junction, milling and overlay, 0.7 mile, Venture Corporation, Great Bend, Kansas, $289,936.80.Gray - 50-35 KA-7565-01 - U.S. 50, from the Finney/Gray county line to the west city limits of Cimarron, milling and overlay, 18.1 miles, Venture Corporation, Great Bend, Kansas, $2,908,116.40.Morton - 27-65 KA-6730-01 - K-27, bridge #013 over the Cimarron River located 8.85 miles north of the Kansas/Oklahoma state line, bridge repair, PBX Corporation & Subsidiary, Sapulpa, Oklahoma, $394,294.26.The following projects were approved from the Nov. 20, 2024, letting.McPherson - 260-59 KA-6896-01 %u2013 K-260, pavement restoration in Moundridge from Christian Avenue to Wedel Avenue, grading and surfacing, 0.1 mile, Vogts-Parga Construction LLC, Moundridge, Kansas, $367,794.06.Mitchell - 24-62 KA-6437-01 - Geometric improvements, in Cawker City on U.S. 24/K-9 from Oak Street to Elm Street and on Oak Street from 9th Street to the U.S. 24/K-9 junction, grading and surfacing, 0.4 mile, Smoky Hill LLC, Salina, Kansas, $1,093,252.74.Barton - 281-5 KA-6443-01 %u2013 Hoisington, pavement restoration on U.S. 281/K-4 from North Center Street (west intersection) to North Main Street (west intersection), pavement reconstruction, 0.3 mile, Morgan Brothers Construction, Inc., Lacrosse, Kansas, $1,489,285.02.Brown - 7 C-5217-01 %u2013 Bridge, located over unnamed stream 1.0 mile south of Fairview, bridge replacement, 0.1 mile, Dondlinger & Sons Construction Co. Inc., Wichita, Kansas, $542,331.50.