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4 | Page January 1 7 I ssueBeing early in the new biennium, most of the committee meetings this week were presentations and overviews from various groups. KAC had the privilege of appearing before the Senate Local Government, Transparency and Ethics Committee this week to give an overview of our organization, as well as our organizational priorities. This gave us an opportunity to highlight to the committee the principle of local control, as well as our priorities this session 1) Making public notices more accessible, 2) Decreasing the reliance of county government on property tax to supplement state services like vehicle registration, 3) Continually rising costs, such as insurance and goods that counties need to provide services, and 4) Aging infrastructure that is more expensive to maintain.KAC will give a similar overview to the House Local Government Committee on January 27. The other feature of the early part of the session is bill introductions. 39 bills have already been introduced in the first week in the Senate, with another 28 introduced in the House. There are likely scores of bills still being drafted that will be introduced in the next two weeks or so.For daily information on things happening in the Legislature, follow @KansasCounties and @JayHallKS on X (Formerly Twitter).Read the full January 17 Legislative Update, including What%u2019s Coming Next Week here.Watch Jay%u2019s January 17 One Big Thing here.Kansas Legislative Hotline - Powered by the State Library of KansasInformation about the 2025 Kansas Legislature and legislative session is only an email, online chat or phone call away on the Legislative Hotline for Kansans, 1-800-432-3924. Kansas%u2019 Legislative Hotline is a trustworthy resource for state residents with questions about the Kansas Legislature and is staffed by professional reference and research librarians.Kansans are encouraged to call the Legislative Hotline to learn who their legislators are and access their legislative contact information; check the status and history of bills, understand the legislative process, locate historical information and other inquires related to Kansas government.%u201cIt is critical for Kansans to have access to accurate and timely information about state government and issues that matter to them most,%u201d said State Librarian Ray Walling. %u201cBy using the Legislative Hotline, Kansans can be assured they will get the information they need from a trusted source, trained librarians from their State Library.%u201dKansas residents can connect with the Legislative Hotline by phone, chat or email:%u2022 Phone: 1-800-432-3924.%u2022 Online Chat: Email: assistance is available Monday through Friday, from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Messages left via voicemail or email are promptly returned on the next business day. Additionally, Kansans can engage in realtime conversations with librarians through the Ask a Librarian service at TTY users can dial 711 for assistance.