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                                    15 | Page January 3 1 I ssuethe Secretary, the Committee then evaluated the scientific literature and consulted the Advisory Panel for its input to assist with a proper listing category determination. In February 2024, KDWP conducted public meetings in Great Bend, Topeka, and Fort Scott and held two virtual meetings to gather public testimony on the proposed delisting of state endangered and threatened species.Consistent with the Committee%u2019s recommendations, the Secretary is proposing to move three species from Threatened status to Species in Need of Conservation status: Broad-headed Skink (Plestiodon laticeps); Northern Map Turtle (Graptemys geographica); and Shoal Chub (Macrhybopsis hyostoma). Increased effort and improved sampling methods have detected higher numbers of these species and demonstrated larger known distributions in Kansas.KDWP invites your written comments on these proposals. Please address all comments to Jordan Hofmeier at or 512 SE 25th Ave., Pratt, KS 67124-8174. Comments will be accepted until the Commission votes on the proposed changes at a time to be determined in the future.Governor Kelly Announces Nominations Open for 2025 Exporter of the YearTOPEKA %u2013 Governor Laura Kelly announced on January 10 that the Kansas Department of Commerce is accepting nominations for the 2025 Governor%u2019s Exporter of the Year Award.The Governor%u2019s Exporter of the Year Award is a prestigious honor the governor gives annually to best-in-class companies conducting international business from Kansas. These businesses are honored as examples of Kansas%u2019 excellence in exporting to countries around the world.%u201cKansas exporters are critical to a growing economy, and when paired with the strengths of our state, Kansas companies are reaching new markets with products grown and made right here at home,%u201d Governor Laura Kelly said. %u201cIt%u2019s important that we acknowledge the importance of exporting and highlight Kansas businesses that are prospering in international trade.%u201dThe Kansas Department of Commerce%u2019s International Division and the Kansas International Trade Coordinating Council (KITCC) coordinate the selection process of the award.%u201cAll over Kansas, hundreds of exceptional exporting businesses work tirelessly to meet the needs of customers across the globe,%u201d said Lieutenant Governor and Secretary of Commerce David Toland. %u201cI encourage everyone to nominate one of our great exporting companies, as they deserve the honor and recognition for their significant economic contributions.%u201dTo be eligible, companies must be in good standing with the State of Kansas and currently operating in and exporting from Kansas. Nominations must be received by Feb. 28, 2025.%u201cEach year we look for outstanding export performance and find it in companies large and small in every corner of the state,%u201d said KITCC Chair Dr. Melissa Birch. %u201cThe ingenuity Kansas exporters demonstrate in finding new markets and adapting or designing products to the specific needs of a foreign market is inspiring. They exemplify the best of business for their communities, their employees, and their customers.%u201dTo nominate a business, including your own, click here.
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