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2 | Page January 3 1 I ssueLet%u2019s fill the Capitol with Kansas County Representatives: We Need You!REGISTER NOW!As of Friday, January 31, we have a total of 19 table space participant registrations. In 2024, we had approximately 30 KAC Affiliate, Associate and External Partner table space participants.REGISTER HEREThank you to the following 19 Affiliate, Associate, Kansas County and Partner organizationswho have already registered their table spaces: %u2022 County Weed Directors Association of Kansas%u2022 Dickinson County%u2022 Finney County%u2022 Kansas Association of Local Health Departments%u2022 Kansas County Clerks & Election Officials Association%u2022 Kansas County Commissioners Association%u2022 Kansas County Highway Association%u2022 Kansas Emergency Management Association%u2022 Kansas EMS Association%u2022 Kansas LTAP%u2022 Kansas Register of Deeds Association%u2022 Kansas Sheriffs' Association%u2022 KCAMP%u2022 KWORCC%u2022 Osage County%u2022 Rice County%u2022 Shawnee County%u2022 Shawnee County Department of Corrections%u2022 Shawnee County Elections Office