Page 6 - MELD Stimulant service
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MELD was established in 1994, due to concerns from family members and the
wider community, in response to the heroin epidemic and fears about increasing
cases of AIDS/HIV and other blood borne viruses, including Hepatitis. Over
the last 29 years, the service has evolved to work with all substances, including
stimulants, and to offer support to adults at varying stages of their recovery,
including relapse prevention. Referrals into the MELD service are received
through our dedicated Contact Service.
Core Service: MELD offer a range of support and interventions including
psychosocial, one to one support and group work to people in Midlothian and
East Lothian through our main core service. Other services include:
• Midlothian and East Lothian Injecting Equipment Provision: Clean
injecting equipment, the safe disposal of used needles, harm reduction
advice including quick access to Naloxone (reverses the effects of an opiate
overdose). Individuals can also access information regarding Blood Bourne
Viruses (BBVs) and appropriate signposting.
• East Lothian Open Service: Providing confidential 1:1 support for adults
including family members and significant others affected by a loved one’s
substance use.
• East Lothian Peer Support Service: Peer Support Workers have lived
experience of overcoming substance use issues and offer practical and
motivational support to individuals referred to this service.
• Recovery Cafes: East Lothian (Starfish) and Midlothian (Horizons). MELD
staff are present in both cafes to support the running of the cafes which are
inclusive to anyone affected by substance use. These warm and safe spaces
are also open to the general public and wider community.