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Leading A Spiritual Life

             It is also a law of nature that if you add a pinch of dye
          to a glass of water, all of the water becomes coloured.
          This  principle is  also applicable in the  case of  love.
          When a person has love in his heart for his Creator, at
          the same time he cannot resist showing his love to his
          neighbours. And in this electronic age, the whole world
          is one’s neighbour.
             One can say that love has two dimensions: theoretical
          and  practical.  In terms of the  theoretical  dimension,
          love means love of God and in terms of the social, love
          means love for all human beings.

                             Divine Food

             While physical food gives you physical health, spiritual food
               maintains the health of the non-physical part of your

            esus Christ once said: ‘Man cannot live by bread alone.’
          J(Matthew  4:4) What  Jesus meant was that  material
          provision does not suffice. All bread does is sustain us
          physically. Further to this, one needs divine provision,
          or spiritual food.  Without receiving such  food,  the
          individual cannot develop his or her personality.
             The  fact is  that,  in this  world, everything  has  two
          distinct sides to it: the material and the spiritual. From
          the material things which surround you, you must be

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