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Miracles of Memory

                 hen you want to express an idea,  your mind
          Winstantly sets  in motion a complex intellectual
          machine. It recalls the desired idea, extracts it from the
          tangled maze of facts and events in your memory, selects
          the  appropriate words, orders  them  according to the
          rules of grammar, then activates your tongue to speak
          or your fingers to write. In this way, numerous actions
          and  interactions take place within  the  mind at an
          incredibly high speed. Almost all the senses contribute
          to this process.

             The fact is that your mind is filled with countless ideas,
          but if you have to express even one of them in English,
          you  must first select the appropriate  words  from the
          jungle of the quarter million words which make up the
          language, after which you must put things in the correct
          order with unbelievable speed, and only then are you
          are able to utter or write down a meaningful linguistic
          sequence. This process is unimaginably complex, with
          numerous known and  unknown processes going on
          in your mind at lightning speed. It is the interaction
          of these factors which results in meaningful speech or
             How does  this  all this  take place? Recent  research
          shows that there is an incredibly complex system in our

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