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Spiritual Pursuit versus Material Pursuit

             Is it a defect in human nature which is to blame for
          this?  Not  at all.  It  is  simply  people’s unawareness of
          themselves that creates this problem. Awareness is the
          key to a contented life, while unawareness is responsible
          for all manner of discontent and restlessness.
             To properly explain this phenomenon,  we have to
          come to grips  with  the scheme of  things  devised  by
          the Creator. According to the creation plan, the scope
          for material fulfilment in this  world is  very limited,
          while the scope for spiritual fulfilment or intellectual
          development is so vast that only the word ‘unbounded’
          can describe its scope.

             If your aim is to achieve a state of fulfilment in the
          material world, you will very soon discover that here
          the scope for this is very limited. Food, clothes, fame,
          married life, entertainment – all these things  are all
          too often eventually marred by boredom. Even going
          on  a holiday does  not necessarily  give you  any sense
          of fulfilment. A person may go on holiday with high
          hopes of enjoyment, yet return with a feeling of “holiday
          stress”. This sense of a lack of fulfilment pertains to
          your physical being, whereas your spiritual  being is
          untrammelled by all such constraints.
             Man has a dual personality—physical and spiritual.
          In physical terms, a person’s body most often has its
          limitations in terms of height, girth, health, muscularity,
          athleticism,  and  so on. Due  to these limitations, a
          person frequently  becomes dissatisfied as far as his
          physical prowess is  concerned.  On the  contrary, his
          spiritual or intellectual being has no limits to it. The
          realm in which the mind travels is vast and eternal, like

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