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Leading A Spiritual Life

          genres. All, directly or indirectly, have as their central
          theme the quest for truth.
             When an  individual reaches the age  of  maturity,
          his first concern is to earn his livelihood. He takes up
          various kinds of jobs or engages in different types of
          economic activity.  And  when he becomes engrossed
          in some venture, he has a period of satisfaction. Then,
          gradually, a time comes when he realizes that his job is
          not giving him what he had been looking for. Certainly,
          his work puts bread on the table but, as Jesus Christ once
          rightly said: ‘Man cannot live by bread alone.’ (Matthew
          4:4) To earn one’s bread is everyone’s first need. But,
          ‘bread’  can satisfy only one’s  physical requirements;
          it fails to give one intellectual satisfaction. This is the
          main cause of frustration and despair experienced by
          almost everyone today.

             According to the Big Bang theory, the universe came
          into existence about 13 billion years ago. Just being in
          possession of this fact causes everyone to think: ‘Billions
          of years  ago, I was a non-existent entity  in  this  vast
          universe. Then, I was born and nature made me part
          of the population of the world.’ Almost every person,
          consciously or unconsciously, yearns to know how and
          why he came into existence. There are few who have not
          frequently reflected on existence, trying to understand
          the meaning of their presence in this world.
             When a person is born, he immediately finds himself
          in a world with a life support system which he personally
          did not struggle to create. He then realizes that nature
          potentially had an entire technology already  hidden
          within it. This technology was one of mankind’s later

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