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P. 42

The Importance of the Seeking Spirit

             What is seeking?  Seeking  means  activating  your
          mind, your eyes, your ears.  When  a person activates
          these faculties, he develops in himself  the  quality of
          perceptiveness, so conditioning himself that whenever
          he finds what he wants, he immediately takes possession
          of it.
             If a blind man is  thirsty and  a glass of water is
          placed in front of him, he will not drink from it. He is
          incapable of perceiving it. The same is true of unseen
          realities. One who does not possess the seeking spirit,
          is spiritually blind: he is unable to see spiritual things,
          even if they exist  all around  him.  Therefore, before
          spiritual finding comes spiritual seeking. First of all you
          have to make yourself a spiritual seeker, only then will
          you be able to discover those spiritual things, which are
          always in evidence around you.

             The seeking spirit must be underpinned by sincerity.
          What  is  sincerity?  Sincerity  is  freedom  from deceit,
          falsity and hypocrisy. It is a pre-condition for the success
          of the seeking spirit. If you have the desire to emerge
          as a spiritual finder, you must develop this quality of
          sincerity. Anyone  who wants  to  make  himself  into
          a spiritual person, must first of all turn himself into
          a sincere person, for sincerity is the price to be paid
          for spirituality. In this world nothing can be attained
          without paying its price.
             A human being is like the onion which has several
          layers to it. Just as the core of the onion can be reached
          only by removing these layers, so can man’s personality
          be reached only by removing the multiple layers that
          bit by bit enshroud him when he lives in society. If you

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