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Leading A Spiritual Life
Everyone’s life has two parts. The first part is a
comedy, but if the seeker cannot set himself upon the
right course, that is, one which will lead him to God,
the second part may turn out to be a tragedy. That is
because ‘God’ is not something which one has to be
told about from outside: it is a matter of self-discovery.
God can only be discovered by the individual himself.
It is only the self-discovered God that can give you
conviction. If you want to make your life meaningful,
you have to take up this question on a priority basis. It is
only your own study and your own contemplation that
can give you your God. The criterion of having found
God is that once you have found Him, you should
become completely at peace, like the little boy in the
above incident.
Jesus Christ once said: ‘Seek and you will find.’
(Matthew 7:7) This is not so much a religious saying
as it is a law of nature. But the ultimate success of the
search has an important condition to it, and that is,
sincerity. One who is truly sincere in his search will
certainly reach his goal.
Living with an
Underdeveloped Personality
n an All India Radio interview, broadcast on November
I12, 2014, a well-known actor had this question put to