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Leading A Spiritual Life

          the space stretching throughout the cosmos. The mind
          travels by thinking, and there are no boundaries to the
          thinking  process. Traversing  all kinds of frontiers, it
          continues unhindered on its journey.
             Let us consider the activities  of  a  businessman.
          These are confined to the material world. Due to the
          narrowness of his field of action, he is very likely to
          become  a prey to boredom. The American  business
          magnate Bill Gates once  rightly  said: “Once you  get
          beyond a million dollars, I have to tell you, it’s the same

             Scientific pursuit is an example of travelling in the
          intellectual domain. This is why scientists seldom suffer
          from the businessman’s ennui. For example, Newton
          said about himself toward the end of his life: “I was
          like a boy playing on the seashore, and diverting myself
          now and then finding a smoother pebble or a prettier
          shell than ordinary, whilst the great ocean of truth lay
          all undiscovered before me.” Such was the feeling of the
          great scientific thinker, Albert Einstein, when he said:
          “The more I learn, the more I realize how much I don’t
             Greater even than scientific pursuit is the spiritual
          quest. The reason for this is very clear. According to
          Galileo Galilee, the domain of scientific pursuit is the
          study of the quantitative aspect of nature, while spiritual
          pursuit is concerned with its qualitative side. And, it is a
          fact that the qualitative aspect of nature is immeasurably
          more vast than its quantitative dimension.

             One who adopts the spiritual pursuit as a matter of

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