Page 116 - Quranic Wisdom - New.indd
P. 116

When You Make a Mistake

                 in God’s remembrance. In this sense there is no dichotomy in
                 the believer’s life, for his personality is holistic in nature. This is
                 the true concept of the Quranic life.

                    This  formula pertains not  only to the  day of congregation
                 prayer: it gives, in fact, the complete scheme laid down for the
                 believer. According to the Quran, belief is not simply a creed to
                 be observed ritually. It is a complete formula for the whole life
                 of the believer.
                    A  believer is one  who discovers the Quranic truth as a
                 complete theory of life. This belief is manifested in his worldly
                 life as well as in that part of his life that is defined as being purely
                 religious. A believer is a believer during his worldly activities as
                 well as during his religious practices.
                    The Quranic religion is a mind-based religion; this means that
                 the Quran revolutionizes the whole personality of the believer
                 in such a way that his intentions, his thinking, his behaviour,
                 his external conduct are all dyed in the same divine colour. He
                 is a believer when he is in a place of worship and he is also a
                 believer when he is in the market or any other worldly place. The
                 criterion of a true believer is his soul and not his external form.

                     When You Make a Mistake

                     ne  of  the  Quranic teachings  is  tawbah, which  means
                 Orepentance. When you make a mistake and do tawbah, the
                 blessing  of God will  return to you. In the  chapter  Al-Tahrim
                 (Prohibition), the Quran says:

                      O  believers, turn to God in sincere repentance,  in
                      the  hope that  your Lord will  forgive you your bad

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