Page 120 - Quranic Wisdom - New.indd
P. 120

Just Speech and Correct Conduct

                 situations and make objective assessments. He is able to say in
                 the face of adversity: “I will surmount it.”
                    Patience is a very important quality. Life is full of problems
                 and  untoward events, so you  have to avoid being a victim  of
                 provocation and, going beyond immediate circumstances, refrain
                 from any reactionary approach. Only a patient person is in a
                 position to practice the necessary self-restraint. Only a patient
                 person can go beyond his immediate circumstances and properly
                 plan his life by taking into consideration every relevant factor on
                 a long-term basis.
                    Only a patient person is able to do future-oriented planning,
                 and  it  is  future-oriented planning that  leads  to great success.
                 In life’s struggle, there are frequent occasions when immediate
                 decision-making becomes essential. This being so, every member
                 of  the group must be a programme maker, and  not just a
                 programme receiver. Super achievement  is destined  only  for
                 groups whose members  have this  kind of superior  quality.  A
                 large group consisting of weak individuals is vulnerable like a
                 balloon, while a small group with strong members is rock-like in
                 its strength.

                  Just Speech and Correct Conduct

                      he  chapter  Al-Ma’idah (The Table)  of  the Quran gives
                  Tguidance  on correct conduct  in  matters  of justice.  The
                 translation of the relevant verse is as follows:
                      Believers, be steadfast in the cause of God and bear
                      witness with justice. Do not let your enmity for others
                      turn you away from justice. Deal justly; that is nearer

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