Page 122 - Quranic Wisdom - New.indd
P. 122

Discrimination is Alien to the Quran

                 factor that  can maintain a reasonable  degree  of  normalcy in
                 human society.
                    The adoption of this principle is a sign not of passivity but of
                 maturity. When a member of society speaks out for justice, even
                 when this could favour his enemy, he is not showing a passive
                 attitude but is demonstrating his maturity. It means that he is a
                 wise person who can control his negative emotions.
                    Avoiding enmity  is  not simply a piece of  strategy designed
                 to outwit your enemy. It is a positive mode of conduct which
                 enhances your spirituality and is a sign of high moral standards. It
                 helps in developing your personality, gives you fresh experiences,
                 and increases your creativity. After conducting yourself in this
                 way, you will emerge as a healthy mind.
                    To speak with justice is the only option in this world. Any
                 other option is disastrous. It is not a matter of choice; it is a
                 matter of  compulsion. Our world  is controlled  by the law of
                 nature, and the law of nature does not allow any other kind of
                 behaviour: you cannot afford to go against the law of nature.
                 When you speak with justice in a negative situation, you only
                 have to control your emotions, but when you go against the law
                 of nature, you are on the path to destroying your life.

                          Discrimination is Alien

                                   to the Quran

                    iscrimination of any kind is quite alien to the scheme of things
                 Din the Quran. In the chapter Al-Hujurat (The Apartments),
                 the Quran declares that all men and women are equal before
                 God. The translation of the relevant verse is as follows:

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