Page 124 - Quranic Wisdom - New.indd
P. 124

Political Status Quoism

                    According to the divine scheme, honour is based on merit
                 and not on any kind of external features. The Prophet of Islam
                 once  said that,  before God,  red  and  white, black and brown,
                 were all equal. He said: “Behold, God has removed from you
                 the arrogance of  pagan  ignorance  (jahiliyyah)  with  its boast of
                 ancestral glories.  Man  is  but a God-conscious  believer or an
                 unfortunate sinner. All people are children of Adam, and Adam
                 was created out of dust.”
                    There may be differences in colour or physical features, but
                 man is what he is in his inner being and, in this sense, everyone
                 has the same potential. Everyone is born with the same inner
                 qualities, so one  who  discovers himself  and  tries  to turn his
                 potential into a reality is the one who will be successful.
                    You  are not  what  others think you  are: you  are what you
                 prove yourself to be. Everyone  has the capacity to become  a
                 self-made  man. Everyone  has the capacity to  dispel others’
                 misunderstandings about him, and the Creator expects you to
                 make use of this capacity. God has not shown any discrimination
                 between different people. It is men and women themselves who
                 give others the chance to discriminate against them.

                         Political Status Quoism

                      ow is political power defined in the Quran? It is clearly
                 Hset forth in the chapter Al-‘Imran (The Family of Imran). The
                 translation of the relevant verse is as follows:
                      Say, ‘Lord, sovereign of all sovereignty.  You bestow
                      sovereignty on whom You will and take it away from
                      whom  You please;  You  exalt  whoever You will  and

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