Page 125 - Quranic Wisdom - New.indd
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Quranic Wisdom

                      abase whoever You will. All that is good lies in Your
                      hands. You have the power to will anything. (3:26)
                    According to this Quranic statement, political power is a gift
                 of God. It cannot be achieved through fighting or conquest. If
                 anyone tries to capture political power by dethroning the existing
                 ruler, it is against the law of nature, and any endeavour of this
                 kind is doomed to failure. Sooner or later, it will prove to be
                    This formula given in the Quran can be summarized in two
                 words: political status quoism, that is, acceptance of the political
                 situation and waiting for your turn to come. If someone achieves
                 political power by God’s decision, it will prove to be good for
                 him, but if he tries to snatch power from others, it will prove to
                 be counterproductive.

                 This Quranic formula means that in political matters,
                 you must first consider the result of your endeavours.
                  Your struggle must be result-oriented and not simply

                    The principle of status quoism is not the result of passivity
                 or cowardice: it is the result of the greatest wisdom. When you
                 accept the political status quo, you instantly find time for your
                 work. But if you try to change the political status quo through
                 fighting and violence, you will lose all available opportunities.
                    This  Quranic  formula means that  in  political  matters, you
                 must first consider the result of your endeavours. Your struggle
                 must be result-oriented and not simply ambition-oriented. Do
                 not look to your own political desires, but anticipate the actual
                 result by objectively analyzing matters. Then, certainly you will
                 find that the pro-status quo formula is far better than the pro-
                 change formula. When you adopt political status quoism, it is an
                 apparent attempt to adjust to the existing political setup, whereas

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